Must Do LIST

Friday, September 27, 2013

Making lists is definitely my thing. I don't think I could of prepared myself through pregnancy without 10 different lists being made at all times. SO, I compiled a list of "must do's" before our little guy comes..

1. Walking Dead marathon...because nothing takes your mind off of waiting for labor like zombies. 
2. Attempt to Complete pregnancy work out.
3. Paint nails in Essie's Smokin Hot polish. Best fall color ever.
4. Shave (and probably cut) legs and bikini area. This will be hilarious.
5. Try not to stare at all my stretch marks.
6. Make the 56th pan of peach cobbler this week.
7. Nap with the pugs.

8. Embrace the pregnancy acne that has suddenly appeared again.
9. Order another pair of Fresh Picks Moccasins because Boden can't have enough.
10. Drink 4 gallons of water.
11. Repack my hospital bag..again...wonder if I can stuff the pugs in there as well.
12. Breaking Bad marathon. I think I'm the last person to jump on this band wagon.
13. Wash 5000 bed sheets, make spare beds, and place chocolate kisses on pillows to welcome the 300 people that will be staying at my house.
14. Eat said peach cobbler.
15. Shop for jeans that I WILL fit into after losing the baby weight...gotta get the motivation from somewhere.
16. Go into labor and have baby boy.

And yes, this list will be completed in that order. Due date: October 1st. Better get started.

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