38 Week Pic

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

How many weeks? 38 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? Up 30 lbs
Maternity clothes? Leggings & stretchy shirts from here on!
Stretch marks? No more new ones..just getting darker!
Sleep? Sleeping great now that the weather is cooler and the windows are all open! Fresh air rules when preggo.
Best moment this week? Everything is officially washed and prepped for Boden. We are all ready!
Miss anything? Walking like a normal person. I thought I was going to go all the way without the pregnancy waddle....fail! I waddle everywhere now!
Movement? tons!
Food Cravings? Apples dipped in caramel and homemade brownies...yum!
Anything make you sick/queasy? Still hate broccoli. 
Gender? BOY :)
Labor Signs? None so far. Hoping I will feel something soon!
Belly button in or out? Definitely out. 
Wedding ring on or off? Off. There is no way it's fitting now!
Happy or moody? Happy!
Looking forward too....? Doctor check up!

Had to schedule a ultrasound for next weeks doctor check up. The doctor believes Boden is getting too big!! If that's the case then I will be induced early! Crazy that we could be meeting him next week!

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