39 Week Pic!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

How many weeks? 39 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? Up 30 lbs..39 week check up tomorrow so I'll find out then.
Maternity clothes? Living in my leggings and hubby's shirts!
Stretch marks? No no ones! I got most of my stretch marks in the 2nd trimester..weird.
Sleep? Sleeping great now that I got rid of my pregnancy body pillow! I was feeling SO claustrophobic when sleeping with that pillow.
Best moment this week? Cleaning the house for the 10,000,000 time....
Miss anything? Eating a normal meal! I constantly snack because a actual meal is WAY too big.
Movement? Oh yeah!
Food Cravings? More homemade brownies and PEACH COBBLER. oh my god..making a 2nd pan this week already...
Anything make you sick/queasy? Still hate broccoli. 
Gender? BOY :)
Labor Signs? None so far. Hurry up Boden!
Belly button in or out? Out for sure!
Wedding ring on or off? Off. Although since we have had some cooler weather my fingers aren't as swollen.
Happy or moody? Happy!
Looking forward too....? Getting the ultrasound tomorrow to find out his weight and whether or not we are being induced!! SO crazy that we could have a little baby any day now :)


  1. Found these weekly photos on Pinterest and made my way over to your blog! So cute! Congratulations and good luck! He'll be here so soon! :) It truly is the best!

    - Allison

  2. Found your blog through Pinterest. Hope everything goes well with baby's birth! So exciting! I am 39 weeks and anxiously awaiting our daughter's birth. -Katy



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