37 Week Pic

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

How many weeks? 37 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? I have my 37 week appointment tomorrow so we'll find out...as of now I'm up 27 lbs!
Maternity clothes? Not in this pic.. just went up one size on my regular shirts!
Stretch marks? ooh ya
Sleep? Sleeping great! Although waking up at least once a night to go pee..
Best moment this week? BABY IS FULL TERM! So crazy..seems like yesterday that I found out I was pregnant.
Miss anything? Fall beers! There are SO many at the grocery store right now..it's making me jealous!
Movement? tons!
Food Cravings? Still craving sweets!
Anything make you sick/queasy? HATE the smell, look, or thought of broccoli. 
Gender? BOY :)
Labor Signs? Lots of braxton hicks contractions. Definitely getting stronger and more often! 
Belly button in or out? Definitely out. 
Wedding ring on or off? Off! My fingers and toes have reached sausage status. Can barely squeeze them into my shoes!
Happy or moody? Happy!
Looking forward too....? Meeting our little man!

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