35 Week Pic

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

How many weeks? 35 weeks...only 35 days to go!
Total weight gain/loss? Up 25 lbs. I swear most of it is in my ankles!!
Maternity clothes? Not in this pic. I still stuff myself into my old clothes! I have 3 maternity shirts but for the most part I don't wear any maternity clothes.
Stretch marks? yup.. but not in the places I expected them to be. None on my tummy but my butt and thighs are COVERED!
Sleep? Still comfortable sleeping but my mind won't turn off. Getting up at least once a night to go pee!
Best moment this week? Realizing that I am about one month away from Boden's due date!
Miss anything? Being able to get comfy on the couch, sleeping on my belly AND all of the Fall beers available right now :/
Movement? Oh yeah! Massive tidal waves of baby fists rolling through my tummy. I SWEAR I saw a hand press through my side the other day...
Food Cravings? Still crave sweets but I've always been a sweets person. Most of the time I'm not very hungry..
Anything make you sick/queasy? HATE the smell, look, or thought of broccoli. 
Gender? BOY :)
Labor Signs? Lots of braxton hicks contractions. Definitely getting stronger and more often! 
Belly button in or out? Definitely out. 
Wedding ring on or off? Off. My fingers and feet swell so much by the end of the day that I'm afraid my rings won't come off one of these nights!
Happy or moody? Most of the time happy...with the occasional random temper tantrum. 
Looking forward too....? Meeting our little man! We are so close!

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