Must Do LIST

Friday, September 27, 2013

Making lists is definitely my thing. I don't think I could of prepared myself through pregnancy without 10 different lists being made at all times. SO, I compiled a list of "must do's" before our little guy comes..

1. Walking Dead marathon...because nothing takes your mind off of waiting for labor like zombies. 
2. Attempt to Complete pregnancy work out.
3. Paint nails in Essie's Smokin Hot polish. Best fall color ever.
4. Shave (and probably cut) legs and bikini area. This will be hilarious.
5. Try not to stare at all my stretch marks.
6. Make the 56th pan of peach cobbler this week.
7. Nap with the pugs.

8. Embrace the pregnancy acne that has suddenly appeared again.
9. Order another pair of Fresh Picks Moccasins because Boden can't have enough.
10. Drink 4 gallons of water.
11. Repack my hospital bag..again...wonder if I can stuff the pugs in there as well.
12. Breaking Bad marathon. I think I'm the last person to jump on this band wagon.
13. Wash 5000 bed sheets, make spare beds, and place chocolate kisses on pillows to welcome the 300 people that will be staying at my house.
14. Eat said peach cobbler.
15. Shop for jeans that I WILL fit into after losing the baby weight...gotta get the motivation from somewhere.
16. Go into labor and have baby boy.

And yes, this list will be completed in that order. Due date: October 1st. Better get started.

39 Week Pic!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

How many weeks? 39 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? Up 30 lbs..39 week check up tomorrow so I'll find out then.
Maternity clothes? Living in my leggings and hubby's shirts!
Stretch marks? No no ones! I got most of my stretch marks in the 2nd trimester..weird.
Sleep? Sleeping great now that I got rid of my pregnancy body pillow! I was feeling SO claustrophobic when sleeping with that pillow.
Best moment this week? Cleaning the house for the 10,000,000 time....
Miss anything? Eating a normal meal! I constantly snack because a actual meal is WAY too big.
Movement? Oh yeah!
Food Cravings? More homemade brownies and PEACH COBBLER. oh my god..making a 2nd pan this week already...
Anything make you sick/queasy? Still hate broccoli. 
Gender? BOY :)
Labor Signs? None so far. Hurry up Boden!
Belly button in or out? Out for sure!
Wedding ring on or off? Off. Although since we have had some cooler weather my fingers aren't as swollen.
Happy or moody? Happy!
Looking forward too....? Getting the ultrasound tomorrow to find out his weight and whether or not we are being induced!! SO crazy that we could have a little baby any day now :)

Fall Weekend Pics!

Monday, September 23, 2013

FALL IS HERE!! Cool weather, pumpkin picking, hot apple cider, boots, and walks with the baby.. who should be here anytime now! For now, we will take the pugs for a walk!

Being almost 9 months pregnant makes a mile walk seem like a marathon! I definitely felt like a zombie by the end of that hike. 

It's definitely time for some pampering seeing as Boden could be here any day now!! PUMPKIN SPICE PEDICURE.....hell yes. Thank goodness I had my toes polished considering I can barely touch see them now! 

Happy 1st Monday of Fall!!! :)

38 Week Pic

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

How many weeks? 38 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? Up 30 lbs
Maternity clothes? Leggings & stretchy shirts from here on!
Stretch marks? No more new ones..just getting darker!
Sleep? Sleeping great now that the weather is cooler and the windows are all open! Fresh air rules when preggo.
Best moment this week? Everything is officially washed and prepped for Boden. We are all ready!
Miss anything? Walking like a normal person. I thought I was going to go all the way without the pregnancy! I waddle everywhere now!
Movement? tons!
Food Cravings? Apples dipped in caramel and homemade brownies...yum!
Anything make you sick/queasy? Still hate broccoli. 
Gender? BOY :)
Labor Signs? None so far. Hoping I will feel something soon!
Belly button in or out? Definitely out. 
Wedding ring on or off? Off. There is no way it's fitting now!
Happy or moody? Happy!
Looking forward too....? Doctor check up!

Had to schedule a ultrasound for next weeks doctor check up. The doctor believes Boden is getting too big!! If that's the case then I will be induced early! Crazy that we could be meeting him next week!


Monday, September 16, 2013

To all the OCD, cleaning, nesting, anal retentive, list making, freaky first time mom's out there..

I finally found a super awesome BABY SAFE cleaning product line!!! I officially can't be more then 45 mins away from my doctor. Ughhh. Although it is nice not having to drive 4 hrs every few days to and from our houses! This was the first weekend we stayed in Ohio since June!! With all this extra time around here I was able to get to NESTING!! If you're anything like me...I'm attached to my old fashion clorox bleach. Bleach the toilet, bleach the tub, bleach my kitchen, kill allll the bacteria everywhere!! And I want to smell the clean-ness!

So when I discovered Honest cleaning products I was a little skeptical. Pretty much all of their products still have a scent! Score!! I was not a fan of the all natural, no scent, no toxins, no nothing cleaning products. I started by ordering the Honest Toilet Cleaner and Honest Bathroom Cleaner. I instantly fell in love with the product line. My entire bathroom looked clean and smelled delightful! Their product line has a eucalyptus mint scent which is devine. It smelled clean without being too overpowering. These will definitely be a staple in my cleaning supply.

one - two - three - four - five

Since then I've stocked up on some other Honest Products. One of my favorites so far is the dryer cloths. I LOVE that I can wash all of Boden's clothes, crib sheets, and blankets and still keep them feeling super soft. They don't have any scent to them but his clothes still managed to come out smelling clean and feeling great. This will definitely be a staple and I would order again.

I never knew cleaning could wipe me out! Lugging my big belly around and scrubbing floors was WAY more difficult then I thought. Our weekend wouldn't be complete without some ridiculously delicious food... a trip up to Ann Arbor was a MUST after all of that. 

Zingerman's Deli was our first stop. A freaking 8 and 1/2 month preggo girls dream. Top that cuban sandwich off with a side of garlic pickles and I was in heaven! 

We also managed to find ourselves at Plum Market. This place is the bomb...if you are willing to spend half your paycheck. This place was packed with upscale Whole Foods items with a price tag to match! ...totally worth every penny. :)

Happy Monday!!!!

37 Week Pic

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

How many weeks? 37 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? I have my 37 week appointment tomorrow so we'll find of now I'm up 27 lbs!
Maternity clothes? Not in this pic.. just went up one size on my regular shirts!
Stretch marks? ooh ya
Sleep? Sleeping great! Although waking up at least once a night to go pee..
Best moment this week? BABY IS FULL TERM! So crazy..seems like yesterday that I found out I was pregnant.
Miss anything? Fall beers! There are SO many at the grocery store right's making me jealous!
Movement? tons!
Food Cravings? Still craving sweets!
Anything make you sick/queasy? HATE the smell, look, or thought of broccoli. 
Gender? BOY :)
Labor Signs? Lots of braxton hicks contractions. Definitely getting stronger and more often! 
Belly button in or out? Definitely out. 
Wedding ring on or off? Off! My fingers and toes have reached sausage status. Can barely squeeze them into my shoes!
Happy or moody? Happy!
Looking forward too....? Meeting our little man!

Pregnancy Favorites

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

With my pregnancy coming to a close I thought I'd share some pregnancy MUST HAVES! I couldn't live without all of these throughout my pregnancy. It's crazy how much your body changes in 9 months and how different your daily routine will become!

one- Considering you have to drink 5 thousand cups of water MUST find a reusable water bottle that you love to use! 
two- I love this facial exfoliator! I've always been a product junkie and used the best facial products that I could find. I was forced to try some over the counter products since you can't use a lot of those chemicals that are found in dermatologist grade products. This is AWESOME for the first trimester..especially if you're like me and your face looked worse then a hormonal teen!
three- Sparkling water was a must have for me. I desperately missed having a glass of wine or festive beer on more then one occasion. San Pellegrino was perfect to pour into a wine glass with a lime and enjoy on those long days.
four- Mios Water Enhancers are the shit. Eventually you will get tired of chugging gallons of water all being able to pour in some flavor was a life savor! 
five- Eos Lip Balm. My favorite flavor was Summer Fruit. Surprisingly even after all that water my lips were always chapped. This stuff kept my lips nice and soft!
six- Mustela Stretch Mark Cream. Enough said. This lotion rocks. It doesn't smell too icky and left my tummy feeling super soft. My butt and thighs are still covered in stretch marks but I believe this cream kept everything as hydrated as my skin could be!
seven- Essie Nail Polish. This is kind of a weird item to put on a pregnancy list. BUT I think it was totally necessary. When your body starts ballooning, your face pools in grease and you can't stuff your butt into your pre-preggo will be SO excited to paint your pretty little nails. Every little thing you can maintain and still feel pretty is a WIN! 
eight- Victoria Secret Pink Leggings. Surprisingly...victoria secret was a go to for me. I LIVED in these leggings from about week 12 and on. They have a super stretchy waist band and ARE NOT SHEER! Most of the maternity leggings I tried on were practically see through...not cool when your ass is already tripling in size. 

36 Week Pic!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

How many weeks? 36 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? Up 27 lbs!
Maternity clothes? Wearing one of the 3 maternity shirts I have.
Stretch marks? yup! Still don't have any on my belly though..fingers crossed!
Sleep? Still sleeping comfortably.
Best moment this week? Went back to visit family for the last time before Boden's due date!
Miss anything? Breathing normally...
Movement? Oh yeah! 
Food Cravings? Still craving sweets!
Anything make you sick/queasy? HATE the smell, look, or thought of broccoli. 
Gender? BOY :)
Labor Signs? Lots of braxton hicks contractions. Definitely getting stronger and more often! 
Belly button in or out? Definitely out. 
Wedding ring on or off? Off..don't even put it on any more!
Happy or moody? Most of the time happy...
Looking forward too....? Meeting our little man! We are so close!

35 Week Pic

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

How many weeks? 35 weeks...only 35 days to go!
Total weight gain/loss? Up 25 lbs. I swear most of it is in my ankles!!
Maternity clothes? Not in this pic. I still stuff myself into my old clothes! I have 3 maternity shirts but for the most part I don't wear any maternity clothes.
Stretch marks? yup.. but not in the places I expected them to be. None on my tummy but my butt and thighs are COVERED!
Sleep? Still comfortable sleeping but my mind won't turn off. Getting up at least once a night to go pee!
Best moment this week? Realizing that I am about one month away from Boden's due date!
Miss anything? Being able to get comfy on the couch, sleeping on my belly AND all of the Fall beers available right now :/
Movement? Oh yeah! Massive tidal waves of baby fists rolling through my tummy. I SWEAR I saw a hand press through my side the other day...
Food Cravings? Still crave sweets but I've always been a sweets person. Most of the time I'm not very hungry..
Anything make you sick/queasy? HATE the smell, look, or thought of broccoli. 
Gender? BOY :)
Labor Signs? Lots of braxton hicks contractions. Definitely getting stronger and more often! 
Belly button in or out? Definitely out. 
Wedding ring on or off? Off. My fingers and feet swell so much by the end of the day that I'm afraid my rings won't come off one of these nights!
Happy or moody? Most of the time happy...with the occasional random temper tantrum. 
Looking forward too....? Meeting our little man! We are so close!

Labor Day Weekend Pics & Fall Favs

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Labor Day Weekend is over and FALL must be here! This weather rocks. Especially since this preggo girl can't catch her breath! 

One of my pugs couldn't resist being in the pic! 

I also couldn't resist doing some Labor Day shopping!! Stocking up on some fall favs was a must. I've been doing so much baby shopping that it was time to buy some Momma items! 
one - two - three - four

Good bye summer and HELLO FALL!!!! :)

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