Ferber Method for the Father

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Well apparently babies aren't the only ones who need the Ferber Method.

Father's of your baby do too!!! 

I will just assume that we've all been there...
Baby is born, everyones happy, both parents are ecstatic for the arrival of their new bundle of joy, all sorts of family and friends come to visit, the baby is passed from loving hand to loving hand, annnnnd then every one goes home.

Suddenly there is this little tyke who screams for no reason, constantly eats, poops 5,000 times a day, and randomly sleeps. AND now there is only 2 people to deal with this life changer instead of the 15 relatives that were just over visiting. Mom has maternity leave and Dad is back to work... "See ya later honey, have a great day with the baby!"

Mom lovingly stares down at the baby and smiles..."have a great day at work babe! I'll have dinner ready when you get home!" (ha! yeah right!)

Dad comes home from work, wipes his brow, kicks his shoes off approximately 6 inches in from of the door way, and plops his butt down on the couch to relax for the evening.

Mom wants a break from her full time baby duty and Dad wants a break from his full time work day.

Well who's going to deal with the baby now!?

Ummm....both parents! But apparently dudes don't have that natural instinct to rock a crying baby, feed them a bottle, change their stinky diaper OR get up to every little peep they make at night. They have to be taught. Just like each baby has to be taught to self soothe, eat, crawl and explore the world!

And what do ya know...the Ferber Method isn't just for babies! Father's can learn from it too!

After I went back to the salon from my maternity leave I was surprisingly excited to get back to work. Although I am so glad I only started back part time because I missed my little man SO much for the 2 hours I was gone my first day. :)

Anyways, my husband had been so busy working during my maternity leave that he hadn't picked up on all the little details that Boden requires. Such as: how many ounces for his bottle, how ofter he eats, how much cereal, what kind of veggies he likes, and what each little cry means!!! Awww!!! What's a mom to do! And NO Mother/Wife wants to be that nagging gal to her man. SO...here comes the Ferber Method!!

One day I had to head to the salon, "here you go Daddy! He's all yours!" and I walked out the door! No instructions, no lists, no nothing!

I just about crapped my pants driving to work wondering what my husband was going to do.

I'm sure they both sat there and stared at each other for a good 15 minutes before moving on to some toy or bouncy chair. Needless to say, Boden and Erik survived! Ha! I win again! Erik did everything himself with NO problems. What great Daddy & Baby bonding time!

So for all you crazy Moms out there...toss that baby to the Daddy and head out for the day! Those boys will figure it out on their own! :)

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