Post Partum Hair Loss

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Ok. The streets of Chicago aren't the only thing that has piles on each side. My entire shower floor has mounds of hair piling everywhere! SO much hair loss! 

I definitely did not have the luscious locks and glowing skin that everybody talked about during pregnancy. My hair was brittle and breaking off from day one! I had my little pregnancy horns by my second trimester.

Since Boden turned exactly 4 months (to the day!) my hair has been falling out. I only shampoo my hair 2-3 times a week since it's so dry out. I definitely have changed my hair care routine and products to help with this hair loss.

I have used the Tangle Teezer for years but this brush REALLY helps get through tangles on wet and dry hair. It's especially awesome for me since I have super fine soft hair!
This stuff really works! I swear! I normally only used it for a week or two after getting my color done so I could rebuild the strength of my hair. But since my hair has been awful and falling out I have started using it regularly. I spray it on my damp hair once a week and it really seems to help with breakage.
I have been addicted to this shampoo and conditioner ever since I started coloring my hair. It leaves it SO soft and smells amazing!
By far the best hair ties. They don't tear away at my fine hair and it seems like my hair is pulled back into a pony 90% of the day so Boden can't yank out what little hair I have left. :)
As hilarious as it is to use a kids product..this stuff rules. I shower my freshly cleaned hair in this and then use the tangle teezer. And it doesn't hurt that my hair smells like freshly picked apples. I get SO many random compliments on my hair smelling good and I totally give credit to this apple detangler! 

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