Ferber Method Madness

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Hush little Boden don't say a word,
Mama's going to buy you a mockingbird...
Annnnd some earmuffs for myself.

I did it. The Ferber Method. It was awful yet oh so glorious. I win!!

When we went in for Boden's 4 month check up and shots the doctor asked me how Boden was sleeping. What? Sleep? What does that mean? I have a baby that thinks a 30 minute nap is equivalent to a whole nights sleep.

He continues to ask if I put him to sleep wide awake or after he's dozed off a bit. 

I respond with "well I nurse him every night before bed and he falls asleep at the boob." What can I say..he's a boob man.

"Oh no no no you don't. Not any more! That little man needs to go to bed wide awake and self soothe!" replies my doctor. "Give it a few nights of self soothing and he will get the trick."

"Ok!" I respond...and happily skip out of the doctors office.

Well he never told me how they learn to self soothe. Waaaaaah. Waaaaaaahhh..

So we begin the Ferber Method.

Night One: 8pm: Bottle
8:30pm: Change into PJ's, rock in the glider and we sing Hush Little Baby.
8:40pm: In crib, flat on back, lower half swaddled, snuggles with security blankie, humidifier on, noise maker on, we leave the room.
10:30pm-12:35am: Wide awake, crying. Screaming because Mommy won't give in to his every wish. (Mommy joins in on the crying)
12:35am-2am: Sleeps peacefully.
2am-4:25am: Wide awake, crying. Screaming, again, because what the hell, Mommy still isn't running to my side. (Mommy, once again, joins the cry fest).
4:30am-6am: Rests his puffy little eyes and sleeps.

Night Two: 8pm: Bottle
8:30pm: Change into PJ's, rock in the glider and we sing Hush Little Baby.
8:40pm: In crib, flat on back, lower half swaddled, snuggles with security blankie, humidifier on, noise maker on, we leave the room.
12:30am-1:25am: Wide awake and having a cry/pity party in the crib.
1:30am-4am: Sound asleep.....ahhhhhh finally
4am-4:30am: "I'm awaaaaake Mommy! Waaaaaahhhhh!!!"
4:30am-7am: zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....

Night Three: 8pm: Bottle
8:30pm: Change into PJ's, rock in the glider and we sing Hush Little Baby.
8:40pm: In crib, flat on back, lower half swaddled, snuggles with security blankie, humidifier on, noise maker on, we leave the room.
2am-2:15am: Talks to himself in the crib and blows some bubbles to kill time.
2:15am-6:30am: Dreams peacefully...nighty night.

Night Four: 8pm: Bottle
8:30pm: Change into PJ's, rock in the glider and we sing Hush Little Baby.
8:40pm: In crib, flat on back, lower half swaddled, snuggles with security blankie, humidifier on, noise maker on, we leave the room.
8:40pm-6:30am: Sweet sweet sleep. For Mama and Baby.

I swear that first night was almost as difficult as labor. It was awful! Non-stop crying allllll night. But it was so worth it. Boden now sleeps through the night. He might get up once or twice to check out his feet, snuggle his blankie, or have a one way conversation with himself. But no crying. He can put himself back to sleep..no bottle, no rocking, no diaper change, no nothing! The difference it has made in my day is amaaazing. I'm no longer tired, my patience levels are normal once again, and I can hold a conversation past 6pm without falling asleep!

At first I thought the Ferber Method sounded cruel but after hearing from countless people that it worked I had to give it a try. It's so worth it and it was definitely worth one night of screaming for many many more nights of peaceful sleep!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! We are in the trenches of sleep training with the Ferber method right now with my 5 month old baby girl. When your LO woke up in the middle of the night, did you ever feed again, or did you just let him cry it out? Thanks!!


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