True Life: My Son Is Addicted To His Pacifier

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Boden + pacifier = true love

I don't know how else to put it. He loves his binky. Binky all day. Binky all night.

I thought it was a life saver when we first brought Boden home from the hospital. He was either attached to my boob or sucking on his pacifier. He quickly became attached to his Avent Binky. And I couldn't help how adorable it was to watch him suck away and drift off into his afternoon nap. If only I knew what kind of addiction this would become!! Ugghhh!

When we finally transitioned Boden to his crib he took his addiction to a whole new level! He had to have to binky as soon as he hit the crib till morning had broke. Well guess what...babies don't keep their pacifiers in their mouths! 

Pacifier in, suck for 5 mins, spit out, cry hysterically, shove pacifier back in mouth, repeat.

This would go on every 30 minutes every night! So what do you do?? Exactly what you would do for any other addict! Go cold turkey!!!

After about a month of waking up every 30 minutes just to place the binky back in Boden's mouth I had enough! I tossed that binky in the back of his toy drawer and said "no more!"! 

One morning we took it away after he got up for he day and I didn't give it to him again. No binky for naps, no binky for soothing, no binky for night time. Binky be gone!!! And what do ya know, he slept that night! By no means was it easy. He still got up for his usual feeding between 12am-2am. But not having to get up every 30 minutes for a dumb pacifier was heaven.

RIP will not be missed.

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