Time Flies With A Little Babe

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The holidays are over, decorations put away and I've gained back some of that baby weight! Yippie! Time to get back to that work out schedule!

Boden's almost 4 months old and I have no idea where the time has gone. I feel so weird saying I can't believe everybody was right...time really does fly when you have a baby!

It's amazing how many differences come week by week for a baby. I just love watching how he discovers new things and makes different expressions. But what I love most is the little baby coo's that he makes while staring at me. My heart just melts every time I hear my little babe giggle and blow spit bubbles at me. Too freakin cute to handle.

(Here Boden shows off his spit bubble expertise)

The holidays were a blast with Boden around. He even giggled and tore open his presents, with a little help from the pugs, on Christmas morning!

With the New Year already here I'm planning to start baby proofing the house in preparation of Boden crawling. He is so close to rolling over. I can't wait for that day and I also am dreading that day. Let the search for baby gate, outlet plugs, & cabinet locks begin! But for now.. Boden and I will enjoy a glass of wine!

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