Sleeping in the crib and SIDs

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Last night Boden slept in his crib for the first time

I have been putting him down in his crib after his last evening nursing and he usually makes it somewhere between 2 mins and 45 mins before he looses his marbles. I mean, screams the most ear piercing cry. It's been so frustrating. So I scoop him up and whisk him away to his snuggly swing and he quickly drifts off into a milk filled dream. No biggie...except his swing is approximately 4.5 feet away from my pillow and I hear every little peep that comes my way. 

After researching 5,000 websites and reading articles about the 3 million ways to prevent SIDs I decided to throw the rule book out the window. Seriously...every place I look tells me exactly what not to do for a sleeping baby. Don't place them on their stomach, don't put any blankets near them, swaddle them, don't swaddle them, make sure the room temperature is 65-68 degrees, have a fan running, don't have the fan running and blowing on them directly. So I gave up and decided to actually ask fellow newborn baby mommies. I was pleasantly surprised that I wasn't the only one to throw that rule book out! 

Boden's been obsessed with his aden + anais since day one. He loves to rub his hands over them and more annoyingly lay them over his face! When I heard that babies can't sleep with any blankets I knew there was no way he'd be going in his crib without a fight. So after much debate and countless hours of fighting the crib I swaddle his tummy and legs, placed him in his crib, and tossed his security blanket on top of him. What do ya know...not even 2 mins later he was sound asleep and stayed asleep for 4 hours! Those 4 hours were so precious despite my many checks on him to make sure he was still breathing under his little blankie. :)

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