Baby B's First Meal

Monday, January 27, 2014

Boden is a professional bottle chugger. I just can't keep the kid full! He's up to eating 7-9oz every 2-3 hours. And he still is usually searching for more. 

I went out and bought some baby cereal/food to start experimenting. Everybody that I talked to started their little ones on baby cereal somewhere between 4-6 months. Well I didn't think Boden would make it to 4 months. He even surprised the doctor at his 2 month appointment when I told them how much he was eating. He definitely takes after my side of the family..the kid is a eater!

I decided to try this as his first rice cereal because of the wholesome qualities. The ingredient list is MUCH shorter then most baby cereals out there.
Only the cutest baby spoon ever. I plan on making Boden's baby food once I get the hang of things and this little spoon will allow easy passage from bowl to mouth! And I couldn't resist since I love all things Boon.
I stocked up on some Stage one organic baby foods and this was just one flavor. I plan on starting Boden with green vegetables first then working from there.
I scooped up these when I was buying the Plum's baby food. These will be perfect to throw in my diaper bag with a bag of baby food for on the go!
Couldn't resist these because of the cuteness! AND they are super soft silicone. This is what we tried first for Boden's rice cereal. All the other spoons out there are rock hard and I imagine those being too rough on his little gums. So this was a great purchase for first time feedings!

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