33 Weeks Pic!

Monday, August 19, 2013

I'm a little late..just downloaded my 33 week pics! I'll be 34 weeks tomorrow. Swollen ankles have been ridiculous! I definitely miss being able to shop for hours without getting out of breath and having to raise my chubby feet! 

We also had our baby shower this past Saturday. We FINALLY have some stuff for the baby! Now to put everything together. That'll be interesting. I brought the must haves back to our house and left the rest of the gifts where we will be moving to shortly after the baby is born.

I definitely don't love the typical baby looking things. What is it with boy items being tan!?! No way!! We found as many black & gray things as we could! Now if I only I can persuade my husband to paint the nursery walls metallic gray...

one - two - three

Happy Monday!!! :)

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