The Dreaded Pump & A Not So Sleepy Baby

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Who else absolutely hates the dreaded breast pump??

I mean come onnnn. Who actually looks forward to a plastic cone obnoxiously latching on to their nipple and loudly sucking the life out of your boob?...not this girl!

HOWEVER,  Boden has decided to have these awesome growth spurts and doesn't like to sleep at night. He definitely was not one of those babies that came home from the hospital and slept through the night. I'd like to slap those Momma's out there, out of pure jealously, for having those babies! So I've developed this new routine that has helped ensure a few extra hours minutes of sleep.

I first started with pumping more frequently to start stock piling those milk bags in the freezer. I have been giving Boden a 4-6oz bottle of that pumped milk liquid gold before bed. That way I can actual see how much he's eating and force him to finish the majority of the milk. 

THEN, I have been giving him formula during the night time feedings. I KNOW! I felt awful at first for giving him the fake stuff. But let me tell's freaking awesome! When he chugs that 4-6oz bottle of deliciousness and promptly dozes off into a 4 HOUR slumber I can't help but jump for joy! 
chug chug chug Boden!

So since I'm in this for the long haul I figured I might as well invest in every booby pump accessory & adorable bottle out there to make those pumping (and late night feeding!) sessions a little more exciting.

I was able to get this pump for free through my insurance so I didn't have to choose which pump to get. I'd give this pump a 5 out of 10. Within the first couple pump sessions one of the pumps stopped working. So my pump is now a single electric pump and no longer double. So this pump deserves two thumbs waaaaay down. However, it works and was free. Until it konks and dies I plan on using this one. When it does finally go to the breast pump graves..I plan on investing in the Medela Pump In Style Advanced Breast Pump. I have heard awesome reviews and doesn't seem to have any of the issues that I've run in to!

This cream is the bomb. It's not too oily/slimy/sticky like a few of the other creams I've tried. Honestly I haven't had to use much of any nipple cream at all. Boden was a expert boob latcher from the second he came into this world!

These are the best breastmilk storage bags! They came with a adapter for my pump. So I can attach the bag right to my pump and not have to transfer (and spill!) from bottle to bag. AND these bags can go right to the freezer for easy storage!

Every mom needs these babies. I swear I leaked a gallon of milk a day for the first few weeks. Thank god they've eased up a bit and I'm not changing these pads every other hour. I love these pads because they are pretty minimal in your bra and don't leave those super awesome seams across your boob that you've seen with most other pads!

I LOVE these bottles! They are the cutest little bottles ever! Straight away I bought the 9oz bottles. Mainly because that's what everybody recommended. And I'm so glad I did. They are so much easier to pour expressed milk in from the bag or to mix the formula. Those little 4oz bottles were too small within 2 weeks of Boden being born!

After boiling all the bottles and nipples you suddenly become a OCD freak about germs and cleanliness. So when it comes time to scrub every nook and cranny of each bottle you definitely want a sturdy brush. This brush has been great and I would highly recommend it. However, I would purchase a few. After one month of use it is ready for the trash. Seeing little worn out bristles or just knowing it's been sitting on the counter soaking up all the other kitchen germs floating in the air for the past month is just nasty. I plan on tossing this brush out monthly and grabbing a new one to keep Boden's bottles extra sparkly clean!

Ok. This is by far the cutest drying rack ever. I became obsessed with Boon products as soon as I found this. It's the perfect size for all the breast pump parts, bottles, nipples, and pacifiers! I plan on getting the boon twig grass and boon stem grass just to add to my collection!

I had so many recommendations to use this formula. There isn't any GMO and the ingredients seemed to be very minimal. The price was pretty average compared to other companies and I could find it in most stores. I decided on the powder version rather then the already prepared because I want to have a longer shelf life and it could be stored right in the nursery. And the biggest reason I'm a huge fan of this formula is because the first time Boden tried this he sucked a 6oz bottle down so fast AND didn't spit up anything. 

Just look at that cutie pie!! Most adorable little guy ever!! :)

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