One Month Baby Favs!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

I can't believe Boden is one month! This is been the most hectic, emotional, happy, crazy, exciting month of my life! I thought I was ready for a baby but nothing could of possible prepared me for being a first time mom. Although I definitely have a few favorites that helped me through this past month.

LOVE these swaddle blankets. Perfect for throwing over the stroller to block out nosey people, keeping the baby nice and warm on these cool fall nights, and for swaddling of course! These blankets also rock because they have adorable patterns!

I used Mustela Stretch Mark Lotion throughout my pregnancy but I was SO over that cream by the time Boden was born. This stretch mark oil has been awesome and doesn't smell super funky. It doesn't leave a slimy oily feeling once I apply it either. Applied twice daily so we'll see how well all those stretch marks fade from my legs!

These babies rock my world. When it's 2am and your little guy has busted out of his normal swaddle wrap it's time to grab these swaddle blankets. No matter how tight you wrap your babe they seem to wiggle their way free somehow! The Swaddleme has super strong velcro to keep their arms and in mummy position and feeling nice and snug! And when they can't squirm around and flap their arms then you might actually get a few extra minutes of sleep!

I only put this on here because if I didn't have this adorable tumbler then I would of crashed from sleep deprivation. I wouldn't go anywhere without this jar full of iced coffee to keep my energy up. I also kept a second jar full of water. I swear that chugging water after birth is the reason I lost all but 3 lbs of my baby weight within 3 weeks!

This pillow is a back saver. Who knew holding a tiny 7 lb. baby for hours on end could cause such a sore back. I luged this pillow everywhere with me and use it at least 8 hrs of the day.

This is by far THE BEST thing to have for a infant. Boden practically lives in this swing. He would not go into his bassinet for more then 2 minutes without having a breakdown. So in the swing he went! We even went out after our 2nd day at home and bought another swing. One in our bedroom and one in the family room. We love that it has built in lullabies and toys that circle around Boden's head to distract him for hours!

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