October Love

Monday, October 21, 2013

Why October is the best month...

\\ Cooler weather. Thank god that sticky, slimy, frizzy haired, sweaty, humid weather has passed! \\

\\ Holiday season has officially begun! Hell yes I am playing Christmas music in between watching Halloween, Beetlejuice, and Hocus Focus on rerun. \\

\\ LEAVES are changing and crunching under my feet! \\

\\ Soup season. It officially begins in October. Potato soup, broccoli soup, chicken noodle soup, chili, split pea soup, french onion soup, curry lentil soup....all on repeat. \\

\\ Walking Dead season premiere. Time to get my zombie fix. \\

\\ Pumpkins. Decorating the house, making pumpkin soup, making glass pumpkins, and occasionally rolled into the street by the neighborhood adolescents and run down with their car... \\

\\ And the best reason October is the best month...my husbands AND Boden's birthday!! \\

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