Easter 2014

Monday, April 28, 2014

Who else OD'd on candy this year? 

My teeth are still aching. Every year I try to give up all the sweets I constantly snack on for lent. So when Easter morning rolls around I am so ready to indulge in my sweet tooth. 

I filled Boden's Easter basket with tons of baby goodies...

It was SO adorable to watch Boden tear through his basket. His favorite present was his stuffed bunny. He tore it out of the basket and promptly smashed his face into it and chewed on the ears. He then had a death grip on it for the rest of the day...wherever he went Mr. Bunny went. :)

I now have to get back to stuffing my face with the rest of the Reese's eggs we have left...

Baby B's First Spring Day

FINALLY! We had some warmer weather last weekend! We were able to enjoy the semi warm weather outdoors and get some fresh air. Being cooped up indoors in the stale air was really getting to us. Boden has never really felt a warm breeze on his face before. He loved it!

This poor little guy lives in bibs. It's non stop drool central over here. We probably go through 5-8 bib a day just for catching all the drool. AND there still isn't any teeth in site! 

The pugs also enjoyed the warm weather! I love watching Boden squeal with laughter as he watches the pugs run around his play pen!

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