Santa Baby

Thursday, December 19, 2013

There in nothing like sitting by the fire on a snowy evening to get into the holiday spirit! With a large mug of hot chocolate and some cookies.. Boden and I hung by the fire over the weekend to keep warm through the snow storm!

We also ravaged through the storm so Boden could have his first visit with Santa! AND he didn't loose his marbles. Bringing a little baby to see Santa is probably the cutest thing ever. I only wish I would of brought a wish list to give to Santa! 

(please excuse the blurry pic..Boden wouldn't stock squirming and therefore I wasn't in focus either!)

It's been such a blast getting in the holiday spirit with a little baby! We can't wait to help him tear open his presents on Christmas morning!

Presents are wrapped, mistletoe is hung and thousands of cookies have been eaten made! 

Baby and Momma Stocking Stuffers

Friday, December 13, 2013

With Christmas just around the corner it's about time I get all the stockings ready! 

Stockings must be my favorite part about Christmas. All the little presents to open..some goofy presents, some little toys, and all the Christmas candies! We like to wait till after all the presents under the tree are opened and we have some breakfast then we tear into the stockings! 

Our house is decorated and the tree is up. We can't wait for Santa to come! 
Ho! Ho! Ho!

Baby's First Holiday Season!!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I was SO excited for Boden's First Holiday Season! I was thrilled to be able to celebrate Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas with Boden. Holidays just aren't the same without little kids! 

It's been a crazy couple weeks..which explains why I have been slacking on posting on the blog! We flew to Florida the Saturday before Thanksgiving and planned on being there for the week. I have always been a "only bring a carry on bag" girl but holy shit a baby needs a lot of stuff!! We ended up checking two bags and still had to stuff our carry ons with excess baby junk! Our trip ended up being cut short when a few unfortunate events came up. We caught a flight back on Tuesday and were back in Chicago just in time for the single digit weather! Eeeeck!! I thought I had built my cold weather skin again but there is something about going from 80 degree humid Florida weather to 15 degree dry Chicago breeze! 

We ended up hosting Thanksgiving for 37 people! It was quite the party. We had enough sweet potatoes, rolls, stuffing, turkey, cranberries, green beans and gravy to feed a small army.

This was the best picture I could get of Boden. His new favorite activity is whipping his head back and forth like a out of control bobble head trying to take in a much of the scenery as possible. 

It was a successful Thanksgiving given the circumstances. For now...on to Christmas!!!

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